Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Ship

The Ship was a game released by Outerlight in 2006, in a rather quiet manner I noticed. Back then, the game picked up my intrigue when I noticed a preview for in Games Master. Intrigued by the idea (which I will explain in a moment) I decided to get a copy, but unfortunately it totally slipped my mind and I forgot about it completely. I never heard anything about it either as the magazine seemed not to review it.

Fast forward to 2011, and I remember the game. I buy it through steam, download the game and start playing.

Now the idea of the game is that you are trapped on a ship (presumably in the 1920-1940’s) along with several others by a man named Mr. X (How original) and he wishes to play a game, and before you laugh at the Saw reference, there are more to come. The game is like Jigsaw’s games: It’s about survival. Each person is given a target. That target is someone else on the ship. You must kill them by any means possible, and there are lots of weapons with which you may do this, from knives, pots, fire axes and baseball bats, to actual guns like revolvers, tommy guns, and shotguns. The game has variety ticked it seems... or does it?

Not quite. While yes, there are many weapons with which you may dispatch of your target, they all easily fit into two groups (melee and guns) and have no real discernability other than the look and price tag on them. That’s another thing which is nifty, the Money For Kills system. Each weapon has a price tag on it. Use it to kill your target and you get the money the weapon is worth. Prices range from $100 (commonly used weapons and the like) up to around $5-6000. The thing is, this is pointless as all the weapons have an equal amount of chance of being found (although certain items are easier to find like the pots in the kitchens) so there is no reward for looking around, all that matters is luck.

As for design, the game is lacking in areas. The designs of the ships are fine, don’t get me wrong, but the way the game works leaves something to be desired. For example, as you might expect, there are security guards who will make sure you don’t go commiting any crimes on the ship. But they only react to what they see, which is ridiculous as they don’t patrol or anything, they just stand there, meaning all you have to do is simply wait out of sight, like on a staircase for example (which seems to be a blind spot for them) for your target to approach. Why they can’t hear you is beyond me, that is a pretty silly thing to do.

One major point about the game is that you cant just go and kill your target then wait for another. Your character is human, and has needs, much like The Sims. Also like the aforementioned game, the needs are your simple collection; hunger, bladder, fun, sleep, social, etc. These needs must be kept in check or else you will die. And there is no exception to this rule, so make as many jokes as you want about dying due to lack of social interaction... Nonetheless this is a decent idea that keeps life flowing in the ship so you don’t just hole up in a hotel room after murder to avoid your hunter.

Another gameplay point is that you can use clothes to fool your enemy. You can either take some from a room or buy some in the shops. Problem: The clothes in the shops have no special quality to them, and you can easily find the same clothes in a hotel room for free. Considering that your money is the points system, it’s best to just use a room, after all there’s always plenty of rooms.

So in short, the idea is very neat and could have been a decent first attempt at a multiplayer version of the Hitman series, but gaps in the variety and gameplay unfortunately doom this game to a life of mediocrity, and I can’t recommend it at the £10 price tag it still sports, I mean come on, GRID is only£3 more and that game is... well, you’ll find out. I plan to review that game soon.

Summary: Mediocre gameplay stalls a decent game idea. Too expensive for recommendation.
Rating: 5/10

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